Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Macady Turns 11

This beautiful young lady is now 11! It seems like just yesterday that her father and I were bringing her home from that hospital.

Macady has such a love of art, music and theater. It wouldn't surprise me at all if one day I saw her on the big screen.

Macady is a great blessing in our home. She strives to be helpful in learning how to cook and care for her younger sister.

It amazes me that she started out so small but now is almost as tall as I am!

I see nothing but positives in her future. She has such a go to it attitude. Very much like her dad. I look forward to all the teen experiences (yep, I said it) Some one to go shopping with, and all the heart to heart about boys breaking her heart.

I thank God every day that he allowed me to be her mother.

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

My baby is 7!!

Okay, so I know this post is a little late.... by almost two months!

Abby turned 7! I can't believe that my baby is seven. It really does feel like just yesterday I was watching her take her first steps.

Or even her first day of school, but nope she is now in second grade and amazes me every day. She is such a blessing in our lives and I thank God every day for allowing me the pleasure of having her.

Abby is a great little one. She knows that when I'm sad her climbing into my lap and snuggling is one of my favorite things. She is also a little girl to the core!!! She loves dresses and playing house, wearing pretty bows in her hair and dancing.

Thank you Abby for being such a sweet spirit and a light in our home!!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

The worlds greatest husband!

That's right ladies, I said it. I have one of the great ones. I have been struggling to lose weight for over 11 years now. I have actually done the opposite and now weight almost 70 more pounds then I did when I was in high school. For those of you with PCOS you know how big a battle it is to even maintain our weight, heck with trying to lose it!!

I'm not a very good self motivator when it comes to exercise.... heck there are so many other things that I would prefer to be doing... like taking a nap! And so my husband got me a present. A three year membership to Golds Gym, with a personal trainer!!!!!


Just what I need. I met Tom for the first time last week and am excited to say that I didn't even feel insecure about my fitness level....(its below lazy) He has me recording what I eat and what kind of exercise I do and then he shows me what I really need to be doing.

Hopefully my goals are in sight!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Black Friday...

So I had a great relaxing day with my family, Turkey, yams, stuffing... and PIE!!!

Then we got home. My husband and I had been debating on weather or not to buy our children DS's for Christmas... then we see an ad on TV... only $89 at Walmart... sigh.... so we call Walmart to ask how many they have and what the protocol for tomorrow will be. We are informed that we can come in at 10 Pm on Thursday and pick up a ticket, one per machine you want, so that means two for us. Then you can leave and come back at 5 am for the sale. Ok we thing no so bad. So my hubby leaves at 9 to get the tickets, anticipating a line.... little did we know we were in for it! To our surprise the original person that we talked to LIED!!!! Once you were in the line you were stuck until 5 am!!! So my hubby calls and tells me to come and switch him places. So there I am with my vow to not be stuck in a store broken. That's right folks I stood in a line for a TOY for a little over 7 hours!!!!

I watched the midnight sale with amazement, people were fist fighting over other toys and pushing each other down and trampling them for movies. "I don't need anything so badly." I thought to myself... but then remembered that I was saving myself almost $90!!! So in the line I stood. When 5 o'clock came I was tired, cold and terrified of walking thru the store with 2 DS's in my hands. At the check out I was asked by a security guard if I wanted an escort to my car... did he really think I needed one?!? So scared to death I answered, "Yeah sure, why not" and off we went. I am happy to report that I got to my car safely and I was home before 5:15!!!

Christmas shopping is now complete.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


So my wonderful husband and I have been trying to have our third child now for over 5 years. We have seen all the doctors. Had all the tests... and now are taking all the medications needed to "get a baby".

Can I tell you how crazy it is. I'm doing the whole BBT thing and you are supposed to do it at the same time every morning. Okay I see a few things wrong here.

1. It should be after two uninterrupted hours of sleep... well I don't sleep very well so I'm usually tossing and turning about every hour. BBT-1, Jen-0

2. When my alarm does go off I'm fumbling in the dark for the stupid thermometer. Then when it is done it beeps 10 times!! Yeah like anyone needs that. BBT-2 , Jen- 0

3. I usually do it at 5 am so I can't really turn on a light. It would wake the husband, so I'm using my cell phone to read the tiny little screen.

Final score BBT-3, Jen-0

Sigh, plus the combination of clomid and metformin make for some wacky temps!

But, through all of it I keep telling myself that the ends, to have and hold a precious child, will all be worth it.

Friday, February 19, 2010


Okay for all the ladies out there that struggle with conception.... HUG!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Does anyone aside from myself not like Halloween? Walking around in the cold, dark night knocking on peoples doors you don't know and asking for candy..... no thanks.

I grew up in a town that practiced the "Original Halloween" which came to America with immigrants from Europe. It was the celebration of the harvest or "the beginning of the cold season". The towns people used to get together and have huge feasts and dance.... Whatever happened to that tradition?

In my home we usually hide out. We turn off all the lights and I buy a big bag of candy and we watch movies late into the night. This year my girls, being 9 and 5, have asked to go "trick-or-treating"... sigh.... I know it is hard for them when all their friends are talking about it and their school has an entire week of fun activities all based around this odd holiday.

So do I give in and take my littles out, or do I say no.... yep you guessed it I agreed! I decided that it really isn't something I have a strong objection to, it just doesn't sound like a lot of fun. So now, with a "teen-age vampire" and Glenda the good witch of the north I will be venturing out on all hallows eve, in the cold....Sigh