Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Does anyone aside from myself not like Halloween? Walking around in the cold, dark night knocking on peoples doors you don't know and asking for candy..... no thanks.

I grew up in a town that practiced the "Original Halloween" which came to America with immigrants from Europe. It was the celebration of the harvest or "the beginning of the cold season". The towns people used to get together and have huge feasts and dance.... Whatever happened to that tradition?

In my home we usually hide out. We turn off all the lights and I buy a big bag of candy and we watch movies late into the night. This year my girls, being 9 and 5, have asked to go "trick-or-treating"... sigh.... I know it is hard for them when all their friends are talking about it and their school has an entire week of fun activities all based around this odd holiday.

So do I give in and take my littles out, or do I say no.... yep you guessed it I agreed! I decided that it really isn't something I have a strong objection to, it just doesn't sound like a lot of fun. So now, with a "teen-age vampire" and Glenda the good witch of the north I will be venturing out on all hallows eve, in the cold....Sigh

Saturday, October 3, 2009

The First of Many

I have decided to give blogging a shot. I hope that my ramblings don't bore the general public and that I might give you a few laughs.