Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Macady Turns 11

This beautiful young lady is now 11! It seems like just yesterday that her father and I were bringing her home from that hospital.

Macady has such a love of art, music and theater. It wouldn't surprise me at all if one day I saw her on the big screen.

Macady is a great blessing in our home. She strives to be helpful in learning how to cook and care for her younger sister.

It amazes me that she started out so small but now is almost as tall as I am!

I see nothing but positives in her future. She has such a go to it attitude. Very much like her dad. I look forward to all the teen experiences (yep, I said it) Some one to go shopping with, and all the heart to heart about boys breaking her heart.

I thank God every day that he allowed me to be her mother.